Shadowbox Fence – Annandale, VA

Are you excited about the prospect of putting up a shadowbox fence in Annandale, VA? As the region’s leading provider of fencing services, we would be pleased to explain why this particular kind of fence would be an excellent choice for your home in the following paragraphs.

  • It Produces an Enticing, Optically Appealing Effect

A shadowbox fence typically consists of three rails that span the gaps created between its posts. The pickets are then fastened to the rails in an alternating pattern on opposite sides, with just enough overlap to obstruct the view.

  • It Offers Uniform View from Both Sides.

The absence of a recognizable “front” or “back” to a shadowbox fence is frequently ranked as one of the most desirable qualities of this kind of fence. In other words, if you have a shadowbox fence erected on your property, your neighbor will have the same perspective of the fence you have when you look at it from your side of the fence.

It is common practice to construct privacy fences such that the front faces the street and the rear faces the yard to maximize the property’s aesthetic value. However, if you erect a shadowbox fence, you may safely resist the desire to glance over it to see how your fence appears from the other side.

  • Its More Durable

Because it is constructed with alternating pickets, a shadowbox fence in Annandale, VA, is considered one of the most long-lasting fence types available. In addition, the weight will be spread uniformly throughout the rails, preventing the pickets from drooping or collapsing under their weight.

When seen from the front of the property, shadowbox fences provide the same level of seclusion as a traditional picket fence. On the other hand, if you go near enough, you can see what’s beyond the gaps in the wall if you peer through them. 

This design feature, which stops dogs and children prone to investigating their surroundings from climbing or leaping, should greatly assist families with dogs and children who are curious about their surroundings.

  • It Allows Easy Customization

Similar to its more conventional predecessors, shadowbox fences allow several opportunities for personalization. Customization options are available for the kind of wood used and the paint and stain.

If you place a lattice over the aperture at the top of the shadowbox fence, it may appear less enclosed. The contractors cut the pickets to a shorter length in this fence layout. After that, the top rail is taken down and replaced with a lattice to make the fence look woven.

If you need assistance constructing a shadowbox fence in Annandale, VA, don’t hesitate to contact the knowledgeable staff at Carter Fence by using the contact form on our website. We will contact you as soon as we get your contact information.

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